Miracle product alert!
A few years ago I decided I needed a change and dyed my hair red. After a brief (forced) dye job back to my natural brunette hair color, I have returned to the land of the living and gone back to a copper hue. If there is one thing that has always bothered me about fake red-heads is their lack of up-keep. Dyed red hair fades fast, and unless you have the drive (or the cash) to keep it up, it can look horrible. This is where the only balls I've ever considered to be a miracle come in.
A few years ago, there was a product called "Art Tech" that made colored shampoo's and conditioners. Honestly, it was a life saver in terms of keeping my color vibrant between root jobs. As with any product you love,it was discontinued. I was able to scrounge up a few last bottles from various salons, but eventually, ran out and almost cried. I looked for an alternative and found that Aveda was one of the only products out there that made products to enhance colored hair, but I found them not to make a noticeable difference,and aside from a pleasant scent, mostly useless. Avoid colored Shampoos, all you need is the conditioner,the shampoo is a waste of money since you wash it out anyways. (No matter what the salon sales person tries to tell you).
This product from Revlon Professional is my new replacement. It comes in lots of shades for every color of hair, not just reds. When I had Red hair I ended up mixing two to make the color I wanted. My advice would be to open the top and look at it, it really does come out the color it looks so be careful ,if you don't want brown tones, stay away from the mahogany shade but if you find your red hair too bright, you can use that one to tone it down. Currently I'm using "400 Tangerine". It keeps my copper looking fresh and I love it! I've only been able to find it at one salon, location listed below for you. If they do not have the shade you want, you can order it and it comes in about 2 weeks.
Something to keep in mind. Every time you use it, it's like depositing color in your hair, so watch it if you get stuck in the rain when you are wearing white, it can bleed off onto your clothes. The plus side is it's always washed out for me, though I didn't have as much luck getting the pinkish hue out of my old bathtub..so be careful! You should also use gloves , but I'm too lazy and dealt with pinkishly hued hands for a few hours after. Don't worry, it comes off eventually and it's sooo worth it.
Item: Revlon Professional Nutri Color Creme Conditioner (various shades)
Location: Image West-2885 West Broadway (near Macdonald )
Price :$29.95/250 ML bottle.